It’s Christmas Time- Roll with It
I must confess, at one time in my life I was a naysayer, a bah-humbugger, a downright Grinch when it came to Christmas. It was my first...

Why Zombies Will Never Stop Coming
Welcome to Part 2 of my Halloween blog, where we've been dissecting everyone's favorite ghouls and ghosts. In part 1, we talked about...

Why Vampires Will Never Die
The Monstrous Age, the Gothic Era, The Heroic Period- vampires have had many different roles in culture throughout the ages. They’ve been...

Pay Attention to Details
Are you pitching your manuscript? If so, then you already know that there are dozens of different guidelines. Some publishers/agents...

Travel...It's Worth It
Several things happen to someone who writes and travels. Firstly, the stress of deadlines, editing and marketing strategies has a way of...

Give the Internet Another Chance
A long time ago in a dark age called the 90’s, an evil group of sorcerers unleashed an abominable creation known as the Internet. This...

Have You Hugged Your Editor Today?
Congratulations! You've just contracted your novel and now it's time to prepare for the big debut. At first it's all very exciting. You...

A Glimpse Into the Future
Write what you know; write what you love- chances are that if you're a poet, blogger or novelist, you've heard this all too often. That's...

When Bad Is Good
Ernest Hemingway put it best once when he said, "It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were...

Great Marketing Versus Great Writing, There is a Difference
Have you ever bought a book because the display was beautifully crafted, there was a neat gift that came with your purchase or because it...